ASL Electrostatic Filtration Systems - the "Best Kept Secret" in Fluid Purification

ASL ELECTROSTATIC FLUID PURIFICATION SYSTEMS are patented, self-contained, stand-alone, “off-line” or “kidney-loop” Fluid Filtration Systems that have the unique ability to remove particulate of ANY size, right down to sub-micron sized particulate. The system will operate with any semi-conductive or non-conductive fluid, lubricant, or oil, within broad temperature and viscosity limits. The system’s ability to remove the pre-cursors of oxidation by-products will prevent, and over time, remove existing Tar and Varnish deposits.Tar and Varnish deposits.
Reduced downtime, equipment life extension, fluid life extension: that’s our claim to fame!
Reduced downtime, equipment life extension, fluid life extension: that’s our claim to fame!
Thousands of these systems are in use worldwide. The Electrostatic Cell’s unique back flush capabilities extend its life san to 8,700 hours (one year of 24/7 operation). The system is inexpensive to procure and inexpensive to operate. [MORE…]
Our customers are able to achieve and maintain ISO codesas low as 10/7/0! Explore our website to learn more and feel free to contact us.